Still not Getting the Basics

Clyde Carey
3 min readNov 24, 2020

Today I woke up extra early, ready to take on the last bits of my core programming. If the powers that be were being generous to my spaghetti code, I had only 8 points needed to get out of this accursed thing. I’m done with this implementation of the 2D shooter. I REALLY want to start it over, knowing what I do now, and stay out of the script as much as possible. But for now, I just want out. Get me to the next mess of a mix that will need autotune, drum samples, and when I can convince them to leave for pizza, the guitar replayed by a real guitarist, or me, if one can’t be found.

But fate had other ideas.

I logged in and found myself moved to Team E. I figured, “well now this is it, I’ve fallen too far behind, asked too many questions, and refused too many RTFMs (especially after all the R’s I pulled), and chucked in washout lane”

But nooooo. We were being broken into smaller teams and kind of chucked in the deep end. Not dunces, but sharkbait, and we better swim hard! The authorities were pretty busy seemingly putting out the sorts of bureaucracy fires that occupy 90% of pretty much any company, and we were left pretty much to our own devices. Small teams and challenges, we all know what that means to a Phoenician!

I was, thankfully, able to get my Kamikaze script going, with enemies running towards you once a distance threshold was passed.

Thank you Steve McCrae, and all you other tweed patch philosopher types that I usually gave a pretty cold shoulder to (not Steve McCrazies or Daniel Dennet of course, but MOST of them). Always swearing fealty to checking my life against the standard logical fallacies, NOW……now…..finally, I had some use for all the p’s and q’s. Propositional logic was really really helping here and taking a lot of the guesswork out of programming…At least the WHAT to do….I still am not clever. I don’t think I will be, but a logical path to what I want to do is probably almost as good as clever.

How many times have I popped up “Your Fallacy Is” among other weaponized cudgels of reason. This time it really was all the “talking about talking” stuff I normally can't stand that came to my rescue. And pull out the old Digital logic truth tables! At least I am finally back in familiar territory. Nand, nor, not…. flip, flop, CMOS drop.

The real part of the day was taken up by anything related to the realization that I still could not, intuitively, access variables in one script, from commands in another script. Oh, I certainly DID it. I certainly understand it in theory, but again, the rules….The RULES charley murphy! I don’t know em….Like arcane rituals from the Necronomicon, they don’t work if you just sorta say them right. They are pedantic….and even if you say them right, they have rules on top of that!

And I still don’t know them. I failed my team from not knowing them.

Red on yellow, kill a fellow, red on black, venom lack…You better know that in your heart before you go leading slickers into the Sonora, but I bypassed that and pretty much had everyone sit right down on some Mojaves.

Maybe tomorrow

