I Take it all Back! Send me back to the code mines.

Clyde Carey
3 min readDec 2, 2020

I have one of those personalities that has to count things. That likes to know quantities, measurable qualities, identifiable differences, and especially, EXACT distances and dimensions.

Early on in the Unity intro when we were looking at 2D stuff in the scenes view, I was already a bit terrified. Things were being moved around the screen in an artistic way, I suppose, but I couldn’t really be sure exactly where they were, or how to get back to where a particular position was. This is the stuff of nightmares to me.

But this cinematics is about forty five or fifty trillions times as random. The colors don’t really have exact values, nor the 12 or more visually impactful settings for each element.

Everything seems to be decided by feel. I can appreciate “feel”. I have spent a lifetime taking peoples’ visions of “feel” and making them come out of speakers, feeling the way they were meant to feel. I can understand that not every bit of art is quantified. But I have a hard time not being grounded.

I watch the instructor moving the cameras around with ease, getting them exactly where he wants. Somehow all three axis points are always there for him to grab. As in the picture above, only two of three ever seem to show for me. I have been FPSing my way around the screen, which seems to be the only way I can really place anything.

Is there a float or crouch control in FPS mode? That would help immensely!

Thanks to my time serving with The Pink Fairies, I do have some decent FPS ability otherwise I would be pulling my nonexistent hair out

The Pink Fairies have managed to get a Magrider inside a TechPlant

But for all that doom and gloom, I can already feel this bit of cinematography opening doors for me. Its forcing me out of my comfort zone and into acceptance of Quantum Indeterminacy. But I have a friend:

Now THAT looks…and in some very small, but fundamentally important ways, feels…like a DAW. A drum/events editor on top of some tracks. It navigates about as sloshy as (yuk yuk) the “industry standard” DAW, but it wasn’t built for that. I’m at least in familiar territory and have some parking meters I can count on the way back to sanity.

